"It was a good week."
I haven't been able to say that in over a year and a half. In fact, it was a spectacular week. Here's a few of the highlights:
1) My first week of full-time, paid work in 18(ish) months. The job at Ivy Publications seems pretty good so far. They were in need of an editor that could grow into a leader, and I fit the bill. (i.e., lots of experience in publishing, but never actually been given the reins.)
2) Kerri's Dad survived a heart surgery. It's still rough-going, and we're not sure what it means for the long-haul, but with these sorts of things, you take it one procedure at a time.
3) Room became available for Bridget at Autumn's daycare, which means we don't have to worry about where she'll be going or who is watching her. (And: Less driving for me!)
4) Some really good news came in, which I can't really talk about yet. But it involves money. Lots of it. It made Kerri and I extremely happy. It'll make our lives a bit easier. (Another thing I haven't been able to say in a while.)
5) My cousin, Kelly, was picked to become part of the Chicago Bulls' dance squad, The Luvabulls. Photo of the 2010-11 team is here. (She's in the middle row, left side, second from the end: blond hair, blue top.) I almost didn't recognize her!
6) Absolutely no writing done at all this week. However, I've gone to the gym twice and I've slept better than I have in a year. Once school starts up for Abigail and we get into more of a routine, I'll carve out some time for The Words. (Hopefully.)
How was your week?